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Is when a country expands its influence and power into a large empire by taking over lands and governing them as colonies. In the years before the war, there was a race to acquire the last territories open for colonization mostly in Africa. Britain, France and Germany all competed for the new lands which increased rivalries and tensions. The amount of lands in the possession of Britain and France increased the rivalry with Germany who had only small areas in Africa. Imperialism was driven by nationalism and the need for expansion and increase of wealth.







THE WHITE MAN CANNOT SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS: For CENTURIES the “WHITE” Man has created a GLOBAL “SYSTEMATIC” Racist WORLD and have DEVISED “CONSPIRACIES” to STEAL the Lands/Territories of NATIONS-OF-COLOR and People-Of-Color. In the United States, DECADES have been spent by the WHITE Man to project those they have LABELED as Niggers, Blacks, Negroes and African-Americans as being IGNORANT, DUMB and ILLITERATE! Moreover, that unless a person get their EDUCATION from WHITE Institutions as Harvard (i.e. as Barack Obama - who MAGNIFIED his WHITE Ancestry and BOASTED about being a MIXED Kid from Hawaii – and Michelle Obama…. who were BOTH educated at Harvard) their Education and Degrees are INFERIOR to that of WHITE Educational Insitutions!


The following is an Excerpt from Malcolm X’ Speech addressing the WHITE Man CANNOT SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS and the USA’s FRAUDULENT and DECEPTIVE VOTING” System!




The following Video Clip is an excerpt from the 2007 Movie “AMERICAN GANGSTER.” This Movie is alleged to be a depiction of the life of Frank Lucas. WHY this specific clip has been chosen is because it includes a scene where a WHITE Government Official is vehemently angry that [who he calls] a “NIGGER” (Frank Lucas) was SMART enough to devise a plan that “CUT OUT” the USA’s “MIDDLE” MAN and used the United States MILITARY to do it! Moreover, that Frank Lucas was able to devise a plan to achieve what NOBODY was able to do for about 100 YEARS!

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: WHEN YouTube saw HOW Vogel Denise Newsome would use this Movie, it BLOCKED IT – i.e. although it has allowed OTHERS to use the CLIP! Important to note, YouTube is a ZIONIST-OWNED Social Forum! The following Video was made for INFORMATIONAL and EDUCATIONAL purposes and, thus, any alleged COPYRIGHT infringement, etc. is NOT applicable pursuant to 17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE and/or other applicable statutes! Therefore, let us move on in that we have MUCH “BIGGER” FISH TO FRY!





While these clips were allowed to be PUBLISHED on YouTube to PROJECT an IMAGE the Zionists found ACCEPTABLE! However, UNACCEPTABLE when the UIE wanted to use clips for informational and educational purposes to share “HOW” those who have been LABELED Niggers, Blacks, Negroes and African-Americans are NOT supposed to be able to THINK FOR THEMSELVES…!

