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This IS NOT a Patty-Cake Website!

Operation WARP SPEED

Operation WARP Speed2


Under this Webpage we will provide the Public/World with information regarding the Covid-19/Coronavirus HOAX!  As when Great Britain used the Smallpox Blankets against the Natives for purposes of GENOCIDE and ETHNIC Cleansing, as when the United States with Nazi Germany launched OPERATION "Tuskegee Study" to inject "BLACKS" with Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Aids; here we are in the 21st Century and BIOCHEMICAL Warfare known as Covid-19/Coronavirus has been launched for purposes of GENOCIDE and ETHNIC Cleansing against People the WHITE Man/Europeans have LABELED as "BLACKS"... in their QUEST to STEAL their Lands, Territories and Properties!  


Dred Scott vs John F A Sanford2

WHY the BLACKS...? Because of the TREATIES and Native NATIONS that were "UNITED" in that the United States of America's "CONSTITUTION" does NOT allow for BLACKS... to be Citizens! Therefore, CITIZENSHIP was given to "BLACKS" and / or those deemed to be SLAVES that had been FREED and / or of AFRICAN Descent THROUGH the Native Nations - known as the FIVE (5) Civilized Tribe:



FIVE Civilized Tribes TERRITORIES Citizenship To SLAVES

CITIZENSHIP - - Treaty of 1866

So NOW you have the United States DESPOTISM Corporation Empire's NAZIS and ZIONISTS attempting to COVER UP these CRITICAL facts from those they have LABELED "BLACKS" and FROM the WORLD in their QUEST to fulfill NAZI Germany Leader Adolf Hitler's "NEW" World Order for "GLOBAL" White Supremacy!

YES, there is RECORD EVIDENCE that the United States Nazis and Zionists brought Adolf Hitler's SCIENTISTS to the United States of America to CONTINUE Hitler's work and agenda under "OPERATION PAPERCLIP" and there is EVIDENCE to support these Nazi and Zionist TERRORISTS have launched "OPERATION WARP SPEED" to handle the EXTERMINATION, GENOCIDE and ETHNIC Cleansing of the Natives, Indigenous People and those they have LABELED as being "BLACK . . .!"